About Me

picture of Alexander CamachoWelcome to my page! I am a student currently learning full stack web development. HTML, CSS, JS, Node, Git, Express, mySQL, MongoDB, are some of the tools used in the development of the applications featured on this website. A list of deployed applications can be seen on the Portfolio page.

Below are my Featured Projects Cookbook and Companion. My primary task for both of these projects was backend development.
Cookbook was a group project leveraging 2 different APIs to generate a list of recipes or a list of substitute ingredients based on user input. The user is also able to bookmark favorite recipes, which are saved using local storage.

Cookbook is an app that uses multiple APIs to find cooking recipes, and ingredients. | Code | Live App

Companion is a social media app that puts pets at the center. Our theme is a place to share pictures of pets. We also allow the users to comment and like posts, as well as search for other users on the platform.

Companion is a pet-based social media app that allows users to create a profile, and post photos and comments. | Code | Live App